Montserrat: a restricted access for visitors

The island of Montserrat is inaccessible to visitors since March 2020. Due to the pandemic, the entry of foreigners is strictly regulated. Normally, between 18 000 and 20 000 visitors come to Montserrat each year. But, considering the small size of the territory, a wave of Covid cases would be a disaster for the population that only counts 4992 people.

Montserrat is in the international news these last days, because of one requirement to enter in the island: an annual income of $70,000 !

What are all the conditions of stay?

Since April 2021, unless you meet all the requirements, travelling to the Caribbean island will be impossible. Filling out an online Montserrat Remote Workers Stamp application form, reviewed by Montserrat Immigration is mandatory for a stay on the island.

First, evidence of the applicant’s status as a remote worker must be provided. Also, they must benefit from a more than comfortable financial situation: an annual income of $70,000 is required. The stay must last two months or more. Finally, a health insurance with valid Montserrat and COVID-19 coverage will be needed, and a negative Covid-19 test as well as a mandatory quarantine will be required upon arrival.

This is a unique program established by the government, specially designed for teleworkers and for the protection of the population. Since the program’s inception, a total of 21 remote workers amongst 7 families have been registered.

As of October 1, access will be granted to tourists under vaccination requirement, with no minimum stay duration. Yet, a five-day quarantine and a negative PCR test will still be requested on the fourth day of their visit in order to be allowed out.

The former visa-only regulation has kept Montserrat virtually free of the coronavirus. The island has significantly reduced the rate of infection among the population, which only counts 33 positive cases of Covid-19 since the virus first started spreading.

Concerning non-vaccinated travellers, applying for the remote work visa (which entails a two-week quarantine on arrival) will allow them in.

The British territory is on the list quarantine-free green travel list of the United Kingdom.


Sources : / / / /

Photo : Créateur : Axelspace Corp


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