Vous l’aurez noté, je m’intéresse particulièrement à la visite du premier ministre de l’Inde, Narendra Modi, qui est actuellement au Guyana. Je suis déjà revenue sur sa participation au 2e Sommet CARICOM-Inde, événement historique. Je continue à suive ses publications sur son compte sur le réseau social X et elles sont vraiment intéressante. J’ai notamment relevé ce post. Connecting over cricket! A delightful interaction with leading cricket players of Guyana. The sport has brought our …
Tag Archives: West Indies
Jean-Michel Hauteville was the second person I had the opportunity to interview. And it came with some struggle! Connection problems and poor audio quality during the tests even led us to postpone the interview. But with persistence, (and a little help from the phone connection), we were able to communicate without too much hindrance. Like Doris, my first « Caribbean Encounter », Jean-Michel Hauteville is from Martinique. He is a freelance journalist and has been working in …